Agenda item

Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2006 Introduction of Dog Control Orders


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which advised that The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 had brought in new powers for local authorities to be able to deal with problems associated with irresponsible dog ownership. Dog Control Orders replaced the previous system of byelaws for the control of dogs as well as the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, the powers of which were repealed upon adoption of dog control orders.  These powers enable local authorities to deal with the minority of irresponsible dog owners.


The Board was further advised of the progress in determining the nature and extent of orders to be declared and the result of internal and external consultations.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        It was suggested that the allotments could be better addressed via the tenancy agreement rather than via a Dog Control Order


·        It was highlighted that one of the greatest risk for young people was from dog faeces on playing fields and that dogs should be excluded from these areas and included in the schedule;


·        It was highlighted that the report listed all children’s playgrounds etc, and that not all playing fields in the Borough were designated play areas and some were not fenced off.  It was suggested that consideration be given to excluding dogs from these areas;


·        It was reported that there were areas such as Palacefield’s Ball Park that were on one schedule (Dog on a lead) and not on another and it was highlighted that a ball park was a children’s leisure facility and it was hoped that dogs would be excluded from such areas.  It was requested that the legal department look at the risk particularly to young people from dog faeces and adjust some of the schedules accordingly.


In response, it was reported that all comments would be considered and the schedule would be reviewed in twelve months time.  In addition, legal advice would be sought if anything could be added to the schedule at this present time without going out to further consultation.


·        It was suggested that a charge for dog licences should be re-introduced; and


·        It was noted that restrictions signs would be placed in Dog Control Order areas.


In conclusion, the Chairman reported that it would be Stuart Baxter’s last meeting before he retired from the Authority in March 2010 after 36 years service.  He took the opportunity to thank Stuart for all the support he had given to Members during his time with Halton Borough Council. 




(1)         The move towards the implementation of dog control orders for:-


·        The removal of dog faeces on all land within Halton, which is open to the public;


·        Exclusion of dogs from selected areas;


·        The keeping of dogs on leads in selected areas; and


·        Keeping of dogs on leads by direction of an authorised officer in selected areas:-


be supported;


(2)         the Boards comments in respect of these matters be forwarded to the Executive Board Sub Committee for consideration; and


(3)    the Board place on record their thanks to Stuart Baxter and extend their best wishes to him for the future.



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