Agenda item



The Board received a presentation from Su Dawber, Environment which:-


·        Gave a national update on the importance and role of CCTV, the national CCTV Strategy and the national CCTV Regulator;


·        Gave details of CCTV in Halton from 1998 to date;


·        Gave details of how CCTV was monitored and operated within the Town Centre and Local areas;


·        Highlighted the various uses of CCTV i.e. tacking environmental crime such as fly tipping, fly posting and graffiti;


·        Set out the incidents and actions taken in 2009 – 1557 incidents had been monitored resulting in 836 of these being reported to the police, 486 arrested or detained and 212 reviews had been undertaken by police officers;


·        Outlined the most common three incident types that were monitored/reported – violent incidents, drunkenness and anti social behaviour;


·        Gave examples of recent successes and the results of the Halton 2000 Survey in respect of the impact of CCTV in the Borough;


·        Outlined the CCTV programme costs and comparative project costs;


·        Explained wireless technology and how it was used in the Borough;


·        Set out the challenges for establishing deployable CCTV in the Borough; and


·        Gave details of a way forward for the future of CCTV in the Borough.


The following points arose from the discussion:-


·        It was noted that CCTV was only part of a solution to addressing some of the incidents in the Borough;


·        It was suggested that the Board receive a further presentation/report on the possible use and costs associated with deployable CCTV camera’s in the Borough;


·        The Board acknowledged the importance and positive impact CCTV had in addressing violent incidents, drunkenness, anti social behaviour and the fear of crime in the Borough.  The Board agreed to support a recommendation to the Executive Board requesting that they consider investing in the development of CCTV in the Borough;


·        It was noted that there were proposals to place CCTV camera’s in the village square in Castlefields which would be funded by the Housing Association;


·        It was reported that if any Member of the Board wished to undertake a visit to the CCTV control room, they should contact Su Dawber via email;


·        It was noted that the total CCTV programme costs of £195,807.  The cost of the Remploy contract was £109,510 for the provision of seven fully trained and SIA licensed operators.  The control room was single manned 24/7, 365 days a year on three daily shifts of eight hours each;


·        It was reported that the Fire Service had successfully convicted an arsonist of 18 incidents as a result of evidence from CCTV in the Borough; and


·        It was noted that the interface with Police Command and Control at Winford had significantly improved and represented a seamless service.




(1)                     the presentation be received and comments made noted;


(2)          the Board receive a further report/presentation on deployable camera’s in the Borough and associated capital costs;


(3)          The Board acknowledge the importance and positive impact CCTV had in addressing violent incidents, drunkenness, anti social behaviour and the fear of crime in the Borough and request that the Executive Board consider further investment in the development of CCTV in the Borough; and


(4)          Su Dawber be thanked for her informative presentation.

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