Agenda item

PRESENTATION: Transforming Community Services


The Board received a presentation from Mr Andrew Burgess, Chief Executive of NHS Halton and St Helens on transforming community services – the future direction for NHS Halton and St Helens which:-


·        Outlined the objectives of the presentation:


1.      to presented their options for the future organisational form(s) that would had been considered for community services;


2.      to describe the process that had been followed and sought feedback;


3.      to give an appraisal of the decision taken by their Board in private on 8 March 2010; and


4.      to outline the next steps.


·        Set out the timetable for transforming community services;


·        Outlined the national and local guidance on options for organisational form;


·        Highlighted the national and local direction of travel’


·        Detailed the options that had been considered and the approach that had been used to inform the decision;


·        Set out information that had been provided to potential providers; and


·        Set out the key question “What would be the added value for the people of Halton and St Helens if you were a future provider of some or all of our community services”.


It was reported that the only decision that had been made was which organisations would oversee the provision of community services.  The preferred option had been Option 5 – Pathway specific allocation of services i.e along with the 7 Transforming Community Services Pathways (Health Improvement, Child and Family, Acute Care closer to Home, Long Term Conditions, Rehabilitation, Mental Health and End of Life).  CHS would not be a stand alone organisation and services would be provided by a number of local providers.


The 7 Pathways had been allocated as follows:-


·        Health and Well being – Halton Borough Council and St Helens Borough Council;


·        Children and Family, with the exception of midwifery, paediatrics, audiology which would integrate better with secondary care;


·        Acute Care Closer to Home – Secondary Providers (St Helens and Knowsley NHS Foundation Trust and Warrington and Halton Foundation Trust) would be required to work closely with primary care providers to integrate services around practice population;


·        Rehab and LTNC – Halton Borough Council and St Helens Borough Council;


·        Long Term Conditions – Secondary Providers (would be required to work closely with primary care providers to integrate services around practice population);


·        End of Life Care – Hospices (Halton Haven and Willobrook); and


·        Mental Health – 5 Boroughs NHS Trust.


The Board was advised that CVS/HVA Halton and St Helens representing the voluntary sector had demonstrated that they could effectively contribute to the Pathways with the exception of end of life.  The panel had recognised the strength and added value of the third sector locally.  In recognition of this, it had been agreed that the lead contractors identified as the first preference would be required to ensure that an agreed percentage of the contract value would be delivered by the local third sector providers.


The Board was further advised that the following services were excluded from the preferred options for a number of reasons.  The services will either be subject to a competitive tendering process or some may be aligned to a putative Community Foundation Trust:-


·        Community Dental Services;

·        Community Sexual Health Services (including specialist services);

·        Chronic Pain Service;

·        Neurological Rehabilitation; and

·        Newton Community Hospital.


The following points arose from the presentation:-


·        Concern was raised that Halton would be divided across two acute hospitals.  The Members of the Board agreed that they wanted to retain the Halton Borough footprint, where patients had a choice of which hospital they wished to attend. It was also agreed that funding should not be split for services in the Borough of Halton.


In reply it was reported that in respect of acute pathways further discussions would take place with the two hospitals before a preferred option was agreed. 


·        Clarity was sought on whether the population of Halton would have to indicate the hospital of their choice or if they would be given a steer from the Primary Care Trust;


In reply it was reported that there would be the option to choose and book for patients which would enable them to be in control of which organisations provided the best service.  There would also be a public consultation exercise undertaken with residents in the Borough to ensure that they had a choice.  However, it was acknowledged that the majority of patients for acute care closer to home accessed St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals.


In addition, it was reported that there was a need to reduce the number of people who were admitted to hospital and care for them in the community. It was highlighted that many patients were admitted to hospital from A & E when they would be able to stay at home if suitable community services were in place.  It was reported that a single integrated service would ensure less delays in service provision and fewer people being admitted to hospital from A & E and be able to be cared for at home.  One of the key objectives of transforming community services was to manage services in a more effective way in a safe environment.


·        It was noted that in emergency situations i.e. when an ambulance was required, patients would not have a choice on which hospital they would be taken to; and


·        It was agreed that Members of the Board would receive regular updates on the progress of transforming community services in the Borough.




(1)                     the presentation be received and comments made be noted;


(2)                     Mr Burgess be thanked for his attendance and informative presentation; and


(3)                     The Board receive regular update reports on the progress on transforming community services in the Borough.


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