Agenda item



The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Corporate and Policy regarding the First Quarter Monitoring Report for:


·              Prevention and Commissioning Services;


·              Complex Needs; and


·              Enablement Services.


Prevention and Commissioning Services


Page 109 – An update on the implementation of the Single Assessment Programme (SAP) within Halton as a result of the meetings in July was requested.


In response it was reported that the implementation of SAP been audited and an initial report would be presented to Management Tea.  The outcome of the audit would be presented to key partners and a final report would be available next month.


Page 110 – NI 136 – clarity was sought on whether an indicator had been set for this target.


In response it was reported that there had been a typing error and the target was set out in column two – 3350 and this was an achievable target.


Page 111 – PCS 4 – clarity was sought on whether the problem was because of a training need.


In response it was reported that it was due to a slight delay in the inputting of the data and this would be rectified in the near future.


Page 114 – Clarity was sought on whey the expenditure relating to community care had been less than expected.


In response, it was reported that it was not expected that the underspend would continue and it was as a result of some invoices were for block contracts and were late and had not been included and some had been as a result of continuing health care.


Page 114 – clarity was sought on why on the capital projects there was an unallocated carry forward of £1,366.


In response it was reported that this related to the programme of extra care housing.  The Executive Board had agreed the carry forward and two sites were currently being explored to establish 30/40 units for extra care housing.  It was suggested that this information be incorporated in future reports.

The Board congratulated the Housing Solutions team on their work in respect of preventing homelessness in the Borough.


Complex Services


Page 124 – CSS7 – Clarity was sought on why performance was lower in terms of the number helped to live at home?


In response, it was reported that this was a result of continuing after care and some people dying.


Page 124 – Fair Access - CSS2 – Clarity was sought on why there had been a downtrend on this target.


In response it was reported that the Authority were confident that this target would be achieved and the downtrend had been as a result of an additional member of staff being employed via a grant in 2009/10 for the Bridge Build project which had led to a significant increase in performance.


Page 124 – Service Delivery – CSS6 & CSS7 - Clarity was sought on why there had been a downtrend on this target.


In response it was reported that this target was still in the top quartile. The decrease in numbers was due  to a number of deaths of people with physical and sensory disabilities over recent months. In addition service users who are funded by the Primary Care Trust under Continuing Health Care are not included in the Council’s figures. A number of people with learning disabilities and or physical and sensory disabilities fell into this category accounting for the decline in figures.  


RESOLVED: That the quarterly monitoring reports and comments made be noted.


Supporting documents: