Agenda item

Additional IDVA Capacity for Halton Domestic Abuse Service


          The Sub-Committee considered a report which sought agreement to enter into a temporary contract with Halton and District Women’s Aid Association for provision of temporary additional Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy. The Partnership had been notified at the beginning of August 2010 that it had been successful in its bid for grant funding towards the provision of additional Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy (IDVA) capacity. The area was awarded £16,000 of the requested £20,000 from its March 2010 bid. This revised grant value offered sufficient funding for a temporary increase in IDVA capacity. The lifespan of the post would depend on whether a full time or part time post was recruited but it was envisaged that these funds would offer additional capacity for a minimum of six months.


          It was noted that at the time of going to tender for the new Halton Domestic Abuse Service in 2009 this grant was not available so could not be offered as part of the tender package. Subsequently, the contract had now commenced and the area had additional funds to add to the contract as a temporary addition to value.


          As detailed in the Council’s Standing Orders, this additional capacity should be put out to tender. However the tender process could take approximately three months for a contract value under £50,000 which would leave the area with less than three months to spend the allocated grant within Government Office North West grant conditions.


          Members were advised that if current tender requirements were waived, the service could advertise and recruit a temporary post within potentially a four week period. Thus ensuring the funds were utilised within the deadline of 31st March 2011. In addition, inclusion of this post within the current service also offered best utilisation of the additional capacity that they would be situated alongside an already embedded service which would ensure the post was supported by experienced specialist staff to respond to need immediately.


          Whilst the post would not have been market tested it was anticipated that best value could be achieved for the following reasons:


-                  the new Halton Domestic Abuse Service had brought a number of services together to ensure cost savings were made via back office and management costs as opposed to posts.  Thus, inclusion of this temporary post into the existing structure should ensure these savings are maintained across this post;


-                  if the post was allocated to another provider there would likely be management costs that reduced the actual amount of capacity offered. 


-                  the current service provider offered the most competitive and cost effective option for provision of an IDVA, floating support and Sanctuary Scheme service. 



          RESOLVED: That


          (1)      the Strategic Director, Adults and Community, in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, be authorised to enter into a contract with Halton and District Women’s aid in respect of temporary delivery of additional IDVA capacity to adults who were victims of domestic abuse in the sum of £16,000 between September 2010 and April 2011; and


          (2)      on this occasion, in the light of exceptional circumstances, due to the need to retain the service delivery gains made by the combining of three existing contracts and the time and spend conditions of the Home Office grant, Standing Orders 4.1 relating to Tendering for Contracts be waived pursuant to Standing Order 1.6.

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