Agenda item

Homeless Accommodation Update


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Communities, which sought approval to tender for the Halton Domestic Abuse Service. It also sought approval for the provision of homeless services and for the waiver of Standing Orders to extend existing contracts for Belvedere and Orchard House.


The report provided Members with details of the background to the changes in the duty to assist those whose homelessness needs were immediate, to an approach which offered earlier intervention to prevent homelessness. The Board was advised that, following  the 2011/12 Scrutiny Review of Homelessness, a number of changes were made to the service offer in Halton’s homelessness hostels. Access to homelessness hostels had been managed through the Housing Solutions Team, which ensured that services were targeted towards local need and were only put in place where a statutory duty existed. Details of occupancy levels and costs were attached at Appendix 1.


The Board noted that Grangeway Court required refurbishment with a need for communal facilities. The proposal would reduce the number of units from 30 to 28, which was considered to be sufficient to meet local needs. However, occupancy would be monitored to ascertain the impact of welfare reforms. The Board had previously approved the re-commissioning of Orchard House as a Homelessness Crisis Intervention Service when the new homelessness hostel opened in Widnes; the current provider, CIC had agreed to an extension of contract until 31 October 2013, but further approval was sought to extend this arrangement to October 2014, with an option to extend for a further six months beyond that on a month by month basis.


RESOLVED: That Executive Board


1)    agrees the use of Procurement Standing Orders 1.8.4 (a) and (e)  to waive part 2 of Procurement Standing Orders which refer to contracts between £173,934 and £1,000,000 in value, to extend existing contractual arrangements with Community Integrated Care (CIC), for the provision of support services at Belvedere Homeless Hostel and Orchard House Homeless Hostel for a period of 12 months from 31/10/13 to 31/10/14, with an option to extend for a further six months, to be determined on a  month by month basis, in order to maintain levels of provision to meet current and anticipated demand and to ensure the continuity of service;


2)    agrees the use of Procurement Standing Orders 1.8.4 (a) and ( e) to waive Part 2 of Procurement Standing Orders which refer to contracts between £173,934 and £1,000,000 in value, to extend existing contractual arrangements  with Your Housing Group for the provision of support services at Grangeway Court for a period of 12 months from 5/10/13 to 5/10/14, in order to maintain levels of provision to meet current and anticipated demand and to ensure continuity of service, whilst refurbishment works are undertaken;



3)    approve the capital expenditure set out in section 6, Financial Implications, relating to capital improvement works at the Council owned buildings at Grangeway Court;


4)     approves the proposal to tender for the provision of the Support Services at Granegway Court, with a view to awarding the new contract with effect from 5/10/14;


5)    approves the proposal that the contract with Halton YMCA for the provision of the Nightstop service will expire on 30/9/13; and


6)      approves the proposal to tender for the provision of Halton Domestic Violence Service, with a view of awarding the new contract with effect from 1/4/14.

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