Agenda item

Petition Concerning anti-social behaviour at Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at Royal Avenue


            The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, Community and Resources, which advised that a 50 signature petition had been received requesting the installation of security gates and to lock the football pitch each night as it does in other parks at the multi use games area (MUGA) at Royal Avenue, Widnes. The petition expressed concern that the area had been the centre of Anti Social Behaviour at night.


            It was reported that some of the Council’s formal parks and two of its cemeteries were locked at night but MUGAs were not. They were designed to be accessible and not have gates. Locking of parks and cemeteries was carried out by a security contractor and incurred a significant cost. It was reported that the Open Space Service did not have the means to pay for the installation of gates and the on-going locking of the facility.


            In addition, Members were advised that there had been no reports of Anti Social Behaviour throughout the month of December in area of the MUGA and for a distance of 200 metres around it. The last report relating to the MUGA was on the 24th April 2015. In the period prior to July 2015, there had been enhanced police patrols in the area, additional CCTV cameras installed (at Queens Avenue and at a nearby Youth Centre) and community meetings. The area was currently not an Anti Social Behaviour priority area.


            In accordance with Standing Order No. 34 (9), a public question had been submitted to the Board. On behalf of the petitioners, Councillor McDermott addressed the Board and read the following public question:-


Question – Janet McNulty


            What actions are you going to put in place to prevent Anti Social Behaviour on, and in the vicinity of Derwent Road/Royal Avenue football pitch at night, that would ensure the health, safety and peace of the residents, and in doing so address the concerns of the petitioners who live in the area surrounding the pitch?




            In response Mr Andrews advised the Board that:


·         there had been an increase in Police patrols in the area;

·         a partnership task vehicle had been employed at various ‘hot spots’;

·         Young Addaction had visited the area;

·         residents meetings had been held and further meetings could be arranged;

·         he had contacted the Council’s licensing department to discuss the nearby Social Club and premises which sell alcohol;

·         Halton Housing Trust had issued 11 acceptable behaviour contracts with residents;

·         Environmental Services had agreed to carry out a clean-up of the area near the MUGA; and

·         Steps were being taken to facilitate residents to report incidents of Anti-Social behaviour.


Ms McNulty submitted the following supplementary public question; “residents had heard all of this before, had the Board received her letter in support of the petition?”


Mr Andrews advised that the Board had received Mrs McNulty’s supporting letter and also an email of support from Ms Davies and letters from Mr Twigg, Member of Parliament and David Parr, Chief Executive. He also reported that following residents meetings held in 2015 the following actions had been undertaken:


·         21 youths had been spoken to;

·         the Social Club had installed CCTV equipment and work had been carried out with nearby premises selling alcohol;

·         further residents meetings would be arranged with Officers, other agencies and local Councillors; and

·         consideration would be given to increase Police patrols in the area.


On behalf of residents Councillor McDermott expressed concern that following residents meetings held in April and June 2015, certain assurances were given which did not appear to have worked. He was also concerned that, although it was clear there were problems in the MUGA area, it had not retained its status as an Anti-Social behaviour area.


            Arising from the discussion Members agreed the following:


·         the Planning Department would be contacted to enquire what enforcement action could be taken with regard to the Rossi building;

·         an environmental clean-up would take place at the MUGA and surrounding area;

·         a Task Group would be re-instated involving local partner agencies, local Councillors and residents to produce sustained outcomes for residents in this area; and

·         consideration be given to the use of Locality Area Forum funds towards the introduction of a lockable fence around the MUGA.


            RESOLVED: That


1.    the Multi Use Games Area should not be locked for the following reasons:-


·         It is there to provide some space for young people to socialise;

·         The Council does not have the resources to lock the MUGA;

·         The practicalities of locking and unlocking the MUGA can’t be easily managed. Also it is not designed to be locked.

·         We have had no reports of Anti Social Behaviour in recent months;

·         Locking would precent use for young people who wanted to use them for the purposes they were put up. 


2.    a Task Group would be re-instated involving local partner agencies, local Councillors and residents to produce sustained outcomes for residents in this area; and


3.    An update report be brought back to a future meeting of the Board.

Supporting documents: