Agenda item

Creamfields Event 2006


            The Committee received a report from the following responsible authorities on issues arising from the Creamfields Event:


-           Halton Council Environmental Health (Noise Control);

-           Halton Council Environmental Health (Health and Safety and Trading Standards);

-            Warrington Borough Council;

-            Cheshire Police; and

-            Cheshire Fire Authority.


            On behalf of Halton Council (Environmental Health): (Noise) Isabel Mason attended the meeting and addressed the Committee on issues around noise/noise readings; fundamental changes that were made to the layout of the site prior to the event; and the number of complaints received from residents.


            Members noted that should any subsequent applications for a similar event in the same location be received, some areas would be considered in order to further reduce the noise levels where appropriate and practicable, particularly after 23.00 hours.


            On behalf of Halton Council Environmental Health (Health and Safety, Food Safety and Standards) Yee May Sung advised Members that no  notification of accidents on the site had been reported and the event had ran reasonably safely with no major concerns.


            The service was satisfied that Creamfields took all appropriate measures to inform and keep the service up to date with all health and safety measures and conditions. However, if the event was to be run again, Creamfields would be requested to produce a detailed risk assessment with regard to work transport and also not to allow food concession latecomers to the site, as the service required time preceding the event to check with the Home Regulating Authority.


            In addition, Members considered representations from Jan Souness (Head of Service) on behalf of Warrington Borough Council, who outlined the following areas of concern:


(i)            communication between Warrington Council’s helpline and the on-site emergency liaison team was not as effective as it could have been in terms of regular briefings and responding quickly to issues;


(ii)        severe traffic delays and congestion in Stretton caused serious disruption for residents, this was partly due to the relatively late arrival by event goers to the concert;


(iii)            Warrington Borough Council received 30 complaints about noise during the weekend, higher than expected numbers of complaints were received from areas outside the initial consultation zone, this was due to the late reorientation of the stage and speakers;


(iv)       there appeared to be a delay in the issuing of residents permits to all properties that fell within the road closures of the traffic management plan;


(v)        the Principal Environmental Health Officer had confirmed that the event organisers did comply with the conditions placed on the licence application;


(vI)       noise levels increased between 4.00 am and 6.00 am;


(vii)            various observations by residents from Walton, Hatton, Stretton and Appleton.


            Arising from the discussion, J. Souness confirmed to Members that previously Warrington Borough Council’s main objection to the Creamfields licence application was related to noise, however, since the Principal Environmental Health Officer (Warrington) had confirmed that Creamfields organisers had complied with the noise conditions placed on the licence application, it was unlikely that Warrington Borough Council would object to a similar application if one was submitted.


            Inspector D. Price attended the meeting and summarised the views of Cheshire Constabulary regarding the planning and operation of Creamfields Music Festival. In response to a request from a local resident, Officers from Halton queried with Inspector Price the issuing of wristbands to visitors. Inspector Price had reported that wristbands were issued to visitors who appeared to be between 18 – 21. However, the licence conditions stated that they should be issued to every member of the public attending the event. It was agreed that if a future licence application was received the wording of this condition would be reviewed.


            There was no representative from Cheshire Fire Service. However, Mark Kerry Station Manager at Community Fire Protection Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service had sent his apologies.


            RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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