Agenda item

- 20/00064/FUL - Proposed construction and operation of 20MW peaking power gas fired generating facility comprising 5 no. generators, site fencing, acoustic fencing, associated plant, car parking and related development on land to the South East of junction between Weaver View and Cholmondeley Road, Runcorn


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


It was noted that the published AB Update List provided responses from the Council’s Ecological Advisor on concerns submitted by Heath Ward Member Councillor Ratcliffe since the publication of the agenda, in relation to the potential for damage to the floral diversity of the Local Wildlife Site. 


The Committee was addressed by Mr O’Keefe, who spoke on behalf of the community objecting to the proposal.  He had sent in a detailed list of points to Members in advance of the meeting, points that he believed required further investigation prior to a decision on the proposal being made.  He stated that appearance of the building was not a concern but the quality of life of the people in the Village was.  He argued that the proposal was contrary to a number of planning policies and the power station was too close to residents of the Village and Beechwood.  He discussed the potential for pollution and alternative green energies and suggested that there were mistakes and inconsistencies with the surveys referred to in the report.


Councillor Ratcliffe then addressed the Committee, objecting to the proposal.  She stated that Clifton Village had seen major changes over the years; it was small, historically rich and cut off from the rest of Runcorn.  She argued that the Village already had a power station in the area and to add another, would take away from the quality of life of its residents.  Further, the fact that it was gas powered could result in additional continuous noise for residents and queried why a green energy proposal could not be considered.  She had presented photographs of the site of the proposal to the Committee in advance and discussed the effect the proposal would have on the ecology of the area.  She urged the Committee to refuse or defer its decision as the application was contrary to policies in the UDP as it stood.


Members were then addressed by Councillor Logan, who spoke objecting to the proposal, supported by his Beechwood Ward colleague Councillor Loftus.  He questioned why the Council was considering this fossil fuelled proposal, as clean energy was now being produced in Halton for the 21st century.   He stated that the 14-metre high chimneys would have a huge impact on the area and the whole development was incongruous with the Village, for Halton and for the 21 century.  He stated that the proposal was damaging and that residents of Halton expected regeneration, not degeneration.


Mr Dodds then addressed the Committee, on behalf of the applicant.  He stated that the proposal supported the UK Governments policies for renewable energy sources as discussed on page 74 of the report and that concerns raised by objectors relating to air pollution and noise where addressed on page 76 of the report.  He added that the nearest residential properties would not hear any noise and in response to noise claims being made by speakers about noise at night time, he confirmed there would be no noise at night as the plant was restricted to 1500 hours per year and it would be unlikely to run at night especially as there were no peak times at night.  He further added that the ecological and tree surveys had been carried out; the site would be operated remotely so there would be no parking or traffic issues; and advised no concerns had been raised from nearby residents regarding the height of the chimneys.  He urged the Committee to approve the application as it complied with national and local planning policies.


The Committee discussed the points of concern raised by speakers, in particular the potential for noise, the conservation of nature in the area and the hours of operation of the generator.  One Member moved an amendment to the conditions of the proposal – to restrict the hours of operation from 10pm to 7am – this was seconded and agreed by the Committee. 


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to conditions relating to the following and the addition of the extra condition mentioned above.


1.    Time limit – full permission;

2.    Approved plans;

3.    Existing and proposed site levels (BE1);

4.    Boundary treatments scheme (BE1 and BE22);

5.    CCTV scheme (BE1);

6.    Mitigation planting scheme (BE1 and GE27):

7.    Tree protection measures (GE27);

8.    Breeding birds protection (GE21 and CS20);

9.    Outline biodiversity management plan (GE21 and CS20);

10. Reasonable avoidance measures – common lizard and terrestrial mammals (GE21 and CS20);

11. Japanese Knotweed method statement (GE21 and CS20);

12. Japanese Knotweed validation report (GE21 and CS20):

13. Hours of construction (BE1);

14. Off-site highway works (BE1);

15. Visibility splay – site access with Cholmondeley Road (BE1);

16. Parking and servicing provision (BE1 and TP12);

17. Ground contamination / ground stability (PR14 and CS23);

18. Detailed drainage strategy (PR16 and CS23); and

19. Hours of operation.