Agenda item

- 19/00020/FUL - Proposed development of local district centre comprising convenience store (Use Class A1), 5 no. retail units (Use Classes A1, A3, D1 with a maximum of one unit to be D1), children's nursery (Use Class D1), 43 no. residential apartments and 5 no. dwellings (Use Class C3) to provide living facilities for the over 55's together with ancillary development on land bounded by Pitts Heath Lane and Otterburn Street, Sandymoor, Runcorn


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Boyle who objected to the application on the basis that the accommodation block was several times bigger and taller than Sandymoor Community Hall, which was a focal point for the area.  With this building being adjacent to it the Hall would not been seen.  He also made reference to:


·         the increase in traffic and therefore noise that would occur from the retail units;

·         the fact that Sandymoor is a flood plain area;

·         why had a nursery been included in the plans when Sandymoor had a pre-school already – what would happen to this;

·         Sandymoor needed a Primary School not a nursery;

·         The over 55’s accommodation block was short on parking spaces (21 for 43 flats) and they were in the wrong place; and

·         The proposed cream coloured brickwork was not in keeping with the area.


Members were then addressed by Mr Hazeldine, the Chair of Sandymoor Community Hall, who spoke in objection to the proposal.  He advised that the Hall was opened in 2003 and was run by volunteers, hosting incredible events for the community.  He said that plans submitted as far back as 2004 took no account of how the community now used the Hall and surrounding space.  He commented that they were not against a retail development but objected to the inclusion of a nursery, which would undoubtedly see the demise of theirs.  He explained that the existing nursery operated from Sandymoor Hall and provided them with 50% of the income needed to run it, the other 50% came from guides, clubs, events, fetes etc.  He also raised concerns over the potential for noise complaints from the over 55’s accommodation block, from the events that they held, some licensed.  He requested sufficient soundproofing in the accommodation block.  Concerns were also made around parking for the retail and accommodation and that it may push cars into the narrow streets in the Village Green area.


Mr Irvine, the Vice Chair of Sandymoor Parish Council, then addressed Members giving support for the local centre in principle, but raised concerns relating to the following:


·         How the project would be delivered;

·         Wanted assurance that Otterburn Street would not become a shortcut;

·         Queried the A5 use as no consultation carried out with residents on this;

·         The threat to the existing nursery operating from Sandymoor Hall and therefore threat to the loss of income for the Hall;

·         Local job losses and early years education;

·         Parking and possible future charges for parking; and

·         Can the new surface / improvements for Sandymoor Hall, which have been negotiated with the developer, be included in the conditions.


In response to some concerns mentioned, Officers advised that competition between businesses was not a material planning consideration and there would be conditions in place for a car parking strategy.  It was noted that with regards to delivery of the proposal, a construction phased management plan would be required, which was already listed in the conditions.


The Council’s Highways Officer advised that parking calculation was based on all the proposed uses – retail units, the nursery, residential apartments and existing Sandymoor Hall.  The total provision showed a slight shortfall against the UDP recommended (15 spaces) but across the whole development he considered the parking would be sufficient for the area.  The access point onto Pitts Heath Lane would be a standard priority junction with a bollarded emergency link onto Biggleswade Drive.


Officers advised Members that the reference to Class A5 use has in effect not been consulted upon and should be disregarded for this meeting, so the uses were those listed on the introduction of the report.   Clarity was also provided over the Parish Council’s comments that they were unsure what the conditions of the development were as they were not provided in full.  It was explained that the final wording of the conditions were delegated for officers to draft and that the Parish Council would not be consulted on the draft but if they had specific issues these should be provided to officers.


After considering the application before them and hearing the speakers comments and responses to these, the Committee agreed that the application be approved, subject to the conditions listed below.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved subject to:


a)    The entering into a Legal or other agreement relating to securing financial contributions to woodland mitigation / compensation and works to implement footpath along Otterburn Street; and


b)    Conditions relating to the following:


1.    Time;

2.    Approved plans;

3.    Site levels;

4.    Material details;

5.    Affordable housing;

6.    CEMP (MEAS requested);

7.    Lighting scheme;

8.    Bird nesting boxes;

9.    Scheme of mitigation – MEAS – planting and bins;

10. Retain bollards on Biggleswade Drive;

11. Signage and road marking strategy;

12. Road safety audits;

13. Travel plan;

14. Car parking strategy;

15. Electric vehicle charging points;

16. Cycle storage details

17. Construction phase management plan – phasing plan

18. Acoustic fence;

19. Opening hours; and

20. Site waste management plan.