Agenda item

21/00166/OUT - Outline Planning application, with all matters reserved, for laboratory and office space (Use Class E(g)(i) and E(g)(II)) development with associated car parking and landscaping at Daresbury Laboratory, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Since the publication of the agenda an updated opinion was received from the Council’s retained conservation advisor following the Applicant’s submission of a Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA), this was presented in the published AB update list.  It was noted that the opinion was consistent with the assessment findings of the Committee report.   The comments with regards to reserved matters and heritage impacts in the update list were noted.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Winter, who spoke on behalf of the applicant.  He commented inter alia that the proposal was an outline application on a site in an employment development area; that the landscape officer raised no objections; there would be no heritage impacts; the height of the building would be secured by conditions; and that highway improvements would be secured by a Section 106 Agreement.  In conclusion, he stated that the proposal would be of significant benefit to the Borough, providing high quality jobs.


The Committee agreed that the application be approved.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the following:


a)    a planning obligation and/or other appropriate agreement relating to securing matters as set out in the report;


b)    that if the Section 106 agreement or alternative arrangement was not executed within a reasonable period of time, authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee to refuse the application;


c)    delegated authority be given to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, to determine and agree the terms of all matters to be included in the planning obligation and/or other appropriate agreement and the conditions mentioned below; and


d)    conditions relating to the following:


1.    Outline planning permission conditions setting out time limits and reserved matters (Section 92 of the Act);

2.    Condition specifying approved and amended plans (BE1);

3.    Condition stipulating maximum build heights as shown on the Landscape Visual Impact Assessment (Ref: 2572A dated: 23.9.21) (BE1);

4.    Details requiring submission and agreement of Construction, Management and Environmental Development Plan (BE1);

5.    Details regarding electric vehicle charging provision (CS19);

6.    As part of a future reserved matters application, the Applicant will be required to submit details of a low carbon and renewable energy strategy (CS19);

7.    Applicant to submit a scheme regarding operational lighting phase (BE1 and GE21);

8.    Landscape scheme to include details of habitat and protected species mitigation (BE1 and GE21);

9.    Condition ensuring no net biodiversity loss (NPPF);

10. Applicant required to undertake a site waste management plan (WM8);

11. Requirement of the applicant to undertake piling risk assessment for controlled waters and underground water resources (PR5);

12. Applicant required to submit details proposing a sustainable drainage system (NPPF);

13. Details requiring verification report demonstrating surface water drainage implemented in accordance with approved details (NPPF):

14. Condition requiring submission and agreement of site levels and finished floor levels (BE1); these shall not exceed the levels demonstrated in the Landscape Visual Impact Assessment; and

15. Applicant required to submit a scheme for the provision of cycle storage.





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