The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.
Mr Walker addressed the Committee, as an objector to the proposal on behalf of local residents. He argued inter alia, that:
· This site was part of the community and used for recreational purposes, as well as craft fairs, military style events, fates and so on, contradicting the claim that it was surplus to requirements and infrequently used;
· It is a designated Asset of Community Value used throughout the year and to sell it would be letting down future generations;
· Under the new Local Plan the land is designated as green space and not for development;
· A dangerous precedent would be set if this application was approved;
· Traffic volume and parking issues would be increased; and
· 244 objections to the proposals had been received.
Ms Eren was invited to address the Committee, speaking in support of the application on behalf of local residents. She stated inter alia that:
· St Michael’s Church was much more than a Church; it was an important community resource that welcomed and supported people of all faiths;
· The Church was well used and supported, with much of the work of the Vicar going unnoticed;
· Foodbank parcels were prepared there and distributed within the community;
· Christmas and Easter activities were provided for the community;
· Other groups such as the LGBT group and the childhood bereavement group met at the Church;
· If refused young people in the community would not have access to the support she had received; and
· St Michael’s was the very best example of a community Church in Widnes and to refuse this application would mean the end of the Church.
The Committee was then addressed by Ms Paul, who spoke on behalf of the applicant. She started by saying that this application was all about the survival of the Church. She advised that:
· The Diocese had advised them that the Church had to pay its way or close, so they needed funding to pay expenses;
· Despite fundraising, the Church was struggling to pay its expenses due to rising costs;
· One of the Church’s only assets is the Church field bought in 1925;
· They wanted to do the best for the community and local groups who used the facilities – to lose the Church would have a significant impact on the local community;
· Halton has seen a 27% increase in the number of older people in the population and the Church was an important meeting place for them;
· The Church held large scale community events and has strong links with local schools – examples were given of community work carried out; and
· This type of outreach could not continue if the field cannot be sold.
After hearing the speakers’ arguments Members discussed the application, taking into consideration the comments made by them and Officer’s responses to queries raised by the Committee. Some Members of the Committee were unfamiliar with the site, so requested a deferral so that a site visit could be conducted before making a decision. A motion for a deferral was proposed and seconded, so the motion for a deferral was carried.
RESOLVED: That the application be deferred to enable Committee Members to make a site visit.
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