The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.
Officers advised of a correction to the table on page 20 of the agenda, which should state that 7 representations had been received.
Following publication of the AB Update List, it was noted that the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) has now confirmed that they agree with the principles of the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and discussed drainage strategy but required modelling of the watercourse prior to commencement, as detailed in the update. They also requested that an updated drainage strategy be submitted prior to commencement, based on those principles discussed, as detailed in the update. It was noted that this response has removed the requirement for Officer delegation for this issue.
Officers highlighted the objection made by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which was due to the site falling within the inner/middle hazardous zone of the Sabic Trans Pennine Ethylene Pipeline, but the objection was not in relation to housing. The HSE 21 day call in notice was explained.
It was noted therefore that Officer delegation was requested in relation to the HSE call in procedure.
The Committee was addressed by Mr Dixon, a representative of the Applicant. He stated the following inter alia:
· The scheme of 59 affordable dwellings would provide a valuable contribution to Halton’s housing needs;
· Modern methods of construction would be used; contributing to reduced living costs for residents;
· A native planting scheme and natural play areas will be incorporated, adding a sense of community;
· The site was adjacent to the Town Hall Park;
· The scheme is led by the landscape of the park and includes hedgerows and natural habitats in line with policy requirements;
· The scheme was carefully designed to include landscaped areas; and
· The scheme will consist of 100% affordable housing.
Further clarity was given regarding the HSE’s response to the proximity of the pipeline.
The Committee agreed that the application be approved.
RESOLVED: That authority is delegated to the Operational Director – Planning, Policy and Transportation, to determine the application in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee, following the satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues relating to the HSE call in procedure.
Upon satisfactory resolution, the application is to be approved subject to the following:
a) S106 Agreement that secures affordable housing;
b) schedule of conditions set out below; and
c) that if the S106 Agreement is not signed within a reasonable period of time, authority is given to refuse this planning application.
Recommended conditions as follows with any additional conditions recommended through the resolution of the flood and drainage strategy to be added to the list below:
1. Standard 3 year permission;
2. Condition specifying plans;
3. Bird nesting boxes scheme;
4. Ecological conditions (such as RAMS and hedgehog highway);
5. Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP);
6. Lighting scheme;
7. Vehicle access and parking to be constructed prior to commencement of use;
8. External materials;
9. Drainage condition(s) to include culvert survey, ownership details, drainage calculations, verification of Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) implementation, maintenance and management;
10. Hard and soft landscaping;
11. POS implementation and management;
12. Waste audit;
13. Site investigation, remediation and mitigation;
14. Landscape and ecological /habitat management plan;
15. Removal of permitted development rights for extensions;
16. Hard and soft landscaping;
17. Construction of emergency access;
18. Submission and agreement of boundary treatments
19. Securing ecological and habitat protection through a Construction and Environmental Management Plan;
20. Restriction construction and delivery hours; and
21. Requiring implementation of scheme of noise mitigation.
Supporting documents: