The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.
Councillor Leck advised the Committee that in her capacity as a colleague
of Mike Amesbury MP, she had attended meetings as a note taker where the
application was discussed but would make her decision on the planning merits,
after hearing all the evidence and without bias or predetermination.
Since the publication of the agenda one further letter of representation had been received relating to access to the site and who would make the decision on this – these were addressed in the report. The Applicant had provided clarification on the statement made on page 87 regarding the adverse impact on primary school places – this is provided in the published AB Update List.
It was noted that condition number 17 had been updated to: Submission and implementation of a scheme detailing bridleway provision including crossing points, to connect with, and complete, existing infrastructure provision as per the Sandymoor SPD. Officers advised of a correction to the report – reference to access parameters plan at varying parts of the report should be Rev Q throughout and not Rev N.
Cove, representative for Homes England, addressed the Committee. He
advised that Homes England (HE) was the Government's housing regeneration
Agency. He added inter alia
England's investment was historic and this development was a long standing
consultation had been carried out and HE had addressed concerns raised where
possible, which had been documented in the Officer's report;
application was outline with reserved matters;
proposal would provide 250 high quality sustainable homes making a significant
contribution to Halton's housing needs;
proposal would provide new public open spaces;
S106 monies were agreed for indoor sports provision; and
scheme complied with all planning policies.
Davidson then addressed the Committee in her capacity as Daresbury, Moore and Sandymoor Ward Councillor.
She spoke of concerns raised by local residents in relation to the
proposals as follows inter alia:
change was a big issue and should be taken into consideration;
spaces should be protected and brownfield sites developed instead;
area was used by walkers, cyclists and contained a variety of habitats and
plans would see an increase in traffic volume and there was only one road in
and one road out of the site;
would be an increased demand for school places and NHS services; and
proposal was unsuitable in an already developed area.
debate the following areas of concern were raised and responded to:
withdrawal of the Sandymoor bus service – S106 money
will be available to ‘kickstart’ a bus service but it was up to the operator to
continue with this;
School provision – a Primary School is included on the Masterplan for Sandymoor; the need for this has to be demonstrated;
risks in the area being exacerbated by further development – a Flood Risk
Assessment has been carried out, this was explained;
railway crossing in relation to pedestrians and cyclists and responsibilities
of Network Rail – discussions were ongoing with Network Rail but the Council
did not support the closure of this;
traffic on Windmill Avenue East and the impact of this development on the
volume of traffic on it – speed assessments were already taking place; a
Traffic Impact Assessment has been carried out which concluded that there would
be a 10% increase in volume for Sandymoor;
travel routes – this was briefly outlined but would be provided in detail when
the reserved matters application is submitted;
change – page 93 of the report outlined mitigation measures which will be
conditioned; and
requests for emergency services – these were not justified under the legal test
set out in the CIL Regulations, as had been discussed on other similar
application requests.
In conclusion Members agreed that they would like the application for the reserved matters to come to Committee for determination.
RESOLVED: That the application is approved subject to the following:
a) entering a legal agreement under Section 106 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 with the Council land relating to:
§ Affordable housing; and
§ Indoor sports contribution
b) conditions relating to the following:
1. Time limit – outline permission;
2. Submission of reserved matters;
3. Development parameters;
4. Implementation of the access arrangements;
5. Submission and implementation of a public open space / provision for children and young person’s management plan;
6. Submission and implementation of lighting scheme to protect ecology;
7. Hours of construction;
8. Submission and implementation of Construction Environmental Management Plan;
9. Submission and implementation of homeowner’s information pack – information on responsible use code and available Sustainable Alternative Natural Greenspace;
10. Submission of a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (including undated metric);
11. Submission and implementation of a full Landscape and Habitat Management Plan;
12. Submission and implementation of a scheme should there be the requirement to remove and reinstate sandstone edging blocks along the canal edge to facilitate the growth of Freiburg’s screw-moss;
13. Implementation of breeding birds protection;
14. Submission of copy of a licence issued by Natural England or Impact Assessment and Conservation Payment Certificate in relation to Great Crested Newts;
15. Submission and implementation of an Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Arboricultural Method Statement;
16. Submission and implementation of scheme detailing structural work of New Norton Bridge and embankment, to accommodate highway widening – including AiPs/adoption;
17. Submission and implementation of a scheme detailing Bridleway provision;
18. Submission and implementation of a scheme detailing cycle routes and footpath provision to incorporate the principles of Active Design;
19. Submission and implementation of a scheme detailing access and gating provision in relation to rail arch arrangements of Bridge 63 Wharford Farm Bridge;
20. Submission and implementation of a scheme detailing bus infrastructure provision;
21. Submission and implementation of a scheme detailing phasing, construction traffic routing and management;
22. Submission and implementation of travel plan;
23. Implementation of Site Investigation and Remediation Strategy / Verification Reporting as required;
24. Submission and implementation of a detailed noise mitigation scheme;
25. Reserved matters shall include detailed modelling of Sandymoor Brook, detailed culvert and crossing design, site and finished floor levels, blockage scenarios and flood routing plan;
26. Implementation, maintenance and management of the detailed sustainable drainage scheme in accordance with the Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) hierarchy;
27. Verification report confirming that the SuDS system has been constructed in accordance with the approved design drawings;
28. Submission and implementation of a scheme detailing protection of United Utilities water Main;
29. Submission and implementation of a utilities strategy to consider potable water needs and associated water efficiency measures;
30. Archaeological investigations to be carried out to establish whether remains of the houses east of Norton Bridge survive. Should those works establish that the remains survive and that they are of sufficient significance, then further investigation should be undertaken to record the remains prior to their destruction;
31. Submission and implementation of a Water Vole Mitigation and Monitoring Strategy;
32. Submission and implementation of an operational energy scheme to demonstrated reduction in both energy consumption and carbon; and
33. Submission and implementation of a Site Waste Management Plan.
Supporting documents: