Agenda item

23/00236/FUL - Proposed demolition of existing changing rooms and construction of two storey extension within the footprint of the main college building to provide a new music hub with music practice rooms, band rooms and two classrooms. Construction of a new build teaching block providing 3 ICT classrooms, laboratory and 6 classrooms, with staff and sanitary facilities. Associated landscaping and covered walkway at Riverside College, Cronton Lane, Widnes


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Officers advised of representations made by Ward Councillors on behalf of their constituents in relation to highways and parking.  Following meetings with Planning and Highways, the College agreed to some innovative updates which would be secured by condition, relating to permits, penalties, free bus passes and an automatic barrier system.


The Committee was addressed by Councillor Ball, a local Birchfield Ward Councillor, who spoke on behalf of local residents.  She commented that local residents had already suffered disruption from recent construction at the site and they did not want a repeat of this.  She had received daily complaints from residents during this time relating to parking issues in the surrounding area, some of which included Police involvement.  She said that residents did not object in principle to the College making improvements and recognised that they provided good educational opportunities for the young people of Halton.  She outlined some concerns residents made during the consultation period as follows:


·         The construction period should not impede existing parking like it did previously;

·         The College’s Travel Plan needs updating;

·         The Traffic Plan should include student travel monitoring methods;

·         The time taken to exit the existing car park was unacceptable; a ‘left turn only’ enforcement was needed;

·         Can the College consider staggering the finish times of lessons to help with the volume of students exiting the site at the same time;

·         Traffic and highways impacts on surrounding areas should be considered;

·         If student numbers increased in the future, so will the traffic problems; and

·         Parking in residential streets.


Members recognised the existing traffic and highways issues raised by Councillor Ball as these were well documented.  They also supported the College with its proposal to enhance its educational establishment and provide a better environment for students in the Borough.  The Committee discussed possible options to alleviate issues relating to traffic disruption and congestion and one Member proposed a deferral until such time as the Travel Plan was submitted.


Officers advised that the College had cooperated fully with the Council and took the matters raised seriously.  They were developing a Travel Plan which would be ready by 2024 and would include: monitoring of where students travelled from; disability parking facilities; electric vehicle charging points; free bus pass system and provision of cycling facilities.  It was felt that a deferral was not needed.


In response to comments made, Officers suggested that the requirement for a Construction Management Plan could be added to the list of conditions, which would control the construction phase.  Also, an updated Travel Plan could be requested prior to commencement on site, with a further update requested in 2024, prior to occupation of the site.  The Committee agreed that these amendments would provide some reassurance for residents and Ward Councillors and were preferable to a deferral.


The suggested amendments to the conditions were moved and seconded and the Committee voted to approve the application, subject to the addition of these.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the following conditions, which include the inclusion of the additional two conditions mentioned above:


1.    Standard time limits condition;

2.    Plans condition listing approved drawings (GR1);

3.    External facing materials (GR1);

4.    Hours of construction (GR2);

5.    Electric vehicle charging point scheme (CS(R)19);

6.    Travel Plan prior to commencement of development (CS(R)15);

7.    Parking and servicing provision (C1 and C2);

8.    Sustainable development and climate change scheme (CS(R)19);

9.    SuDS including implementation, maintenance and management of a SuDS scheme in accordance with details to be submitted and verification report (HE9);

10. Details of disabled and EV spaces (C2);

11. Boundary treatment details (GR1); and

12. Construction Management Plan.


Supporting documents: