Agenda item



The Board received a report of the Strategic Director - Environment which set out proposals to relocate Halton’s Fireworks Festival from its current site, adjacent to the Silver Jubilee Bridge, to Heath Park football fields in Runcorn, commencing in November 2008.


            It was noted that a number of years ago, the two fireworks displays in Halton were merged on efficiency grounds. They were originally held in the Runcorn Town Hall grounds and at Spike Island, Widnes. A new venue was chosen on the River Mersey gantry wall, which enabled viewing from both sides of the river.


            Over the past five years there had been a steady increase in the popularity of the event, and it now attracted some 45,000 people who took up vantage points on either side of the river and from various other points, including Weston Road, Pickerings Pasture, Wigg Island and the Catalyst Science Discovery centre.


            The increase in numbers attending had given rise to concerns about traffic congestion, crowd control and health and safety and it was now considered appropriate to review the current arrangements.


             The Board was updated on the main issues, in particular focusing on car parking and crowd safety and on the options available, namely to keep the event as it was, to split the event over two sites or to move the event to an alternative single site.


            It was further noted that having considered the alternatives it was proposed that the Fireworks Festival be transferred to The Heath Park Football Fields site from November 2008, as it was felt that this option was cost effective and would solve most, if not all, of the concerns regarding crowd safety and traffic congestion at the event.   


            Members held a wide ranging discussion. It was noted that the event was extremely successful and should remain at its current location and that work be undertaken to find alternatives to resolve the issues raised in the report, along with trying to attract sponsors to offset the additional costs.


            Furthermore Members discussed likely issues that would arise from having a different site for the festival, such as the impact of the additional traffic crossing the Bridge, remedial works after the event at the football fields and the fact that moving to the Heath Park Football Fields site may only offer a temporary solution, due to the expansion of the Heath Business Park which would mean the loss of car parking spaces. It was also noted that the appeal of the site was significant for the Borough in terms of joining Runcorn and Widnes residents to one event. Members also discussed other options such as limiting the publicity of the event and looking at other forms of funding from investors such as Widnes Waterfront and 3MG.


            The Board agreed that the event should remain on the present site.


            RESOLVED:  That


(1)               the report be received; and

(2)       the comments made by the Board that the Fireworks Festival remain at its current location and that work be undertaken to find alternatives to resolve the crowd control, health and safety and car parking issues, along with trying to attract sponsors to offset the additional costs, be referred to the Executive Board.

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