The Board received a report of the Corporate
Director, Chief Executive’s Delivery Unit, which gave an update on ‘The Big
Conversation’, since it was presented at the last meeting in November 2023.
The consultation closed on 30 November 2023.
The report outlined the engagement results of the consultation, broken down
into age groups and presented the methods used and areas the consultation had
reached, which included many stakeholders and partners.
It was noted that there was a high level of
agreement on the suggested themes within the consultation. It was evident however that the addition of a
6th theme was required to encompass areas such as: environment, open
and green spaces and the protection of these, litter, overgrowth and weeds,
regeneration, business, economy, growth support and town centres,
housing and supported living. It was
proposed that these would come under ‘Place and Community’.
The timeline for the new Corporate Plan was
provided and its launch was scheduled for April 2024. All Elected Members of the Council had been
emailed to advise of the qualifying statements devised for each priority/theme. These would also be made available to the
public, employees and residents, who would now be given the opportunity to
provide feedback on these statements, which set out what each priority would
aim to achieve over the next 5 years.
The public consultation on the qualifying
statements was open from 19 January to 26 January and was being shared via
social media and drop-in sessions in the libraries and Direct Links in Runcorn
and Widnes.
The following additional information was given
in response to Members questions:
feedback for the qualifying statements was now received and a 10- page document
explaining the detail of each of the priorities would be added;
10-page document will be shared and promoted amongst stakeholders – Elected
Members, residents, Halton’s workforce and businesses once it was approved;
detailed Workforce Plan would then be written for staff to work to, containing
business plans and KPI’s for example; and
Corporate Plan is linked to the reimagine Halton agenda and the Transformation
Members discussed the timeline for the launch
of the new Corporate Plan and raised concerns that the full Plan would not have
been scrutinised by Members before it was
launched. Specifically, they were
concerned that the detail of the full plan would not be known until after the
Council meeting in March, where the Plan was being approved. The Board also requested an opportunity to scrutinise the full document at Policy and Performance Board’s
in the future.
Officers would explore the possibility of
sharing the 10-page document with all Members prior to approval of the Plan at
the Executive Board meeting in February.
1) the report be noted; and
2) concern was expressed with regards
to the lack of time for scrutiny of the full Corporate Plan. Therefore, the Board declined to endorse the
approach to facilitate the implementation of a new Corporate Plan. Members felt that it was essential that
Policy and Performance Boards were able to scrutinise
the full Corporate Plan before its presentation to full Council.
Supporting documents: