Agenda item

22/00638/FUL - Proposed development of 13 dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated landscaping, access/egress, parking and associated works on land bounded by Church End and Town Lane, Hale, L24 4AX


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


This application was reported to the Development Management Committee in December 2023.  Just prior to the start of the meeting the Chair received an email from Hale Parish Council objecting to the proposal and providing additional details to those already submitted.  Due to timing of the email its content was not noted until after the Committee had resolved to approve the application.  In view of the above the application has returned to the February Committee, so that consideration could be given to the objection and additional information provided.  The full objection could be found on page 10 of the agenda. 


Officers advised that the Council has since undertaken a comprehensive assessment of the points raised by the Parish Council, set out on pages 13-19 of the agenda report.


Since the publication of the agenda, further advice had been received from the Council’s retained Advisor on heritage matters.  It was commented that overall, it was considered that the application site had little to no impact on the current setting of the conservation area, due to its unkept nature and lack of public accessibility.  The proposed scheme would create a more active site on this derelict plot, having a positive impact on the conservation area.  The Heritage Advisor did not raise any objection to the proposal.  The Advisor’s detailed comments were available on the published AB update list.


Taking account of the above, the recommendation remained to approve the planning application subject to conditions and a legal agreement.


The application was moved and seconded and the Committee voted unanimously to approve the application.


RESOLVED:  That authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Planning, Policy and Transportation, to determine the application in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee, following the satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues relating to HRA compliance.  Upon satisfactory resolution, that the application be approved subject to the following:


a)    a Section 106 Agreement that secures the terms set out in the Legal Agreement section of this report;


b)    schedule of conditions set out below; and


c)    that if the S106 Agreement or alternative arrangement is not executed within a reasonable period of time, authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Committee to refuse the application.


Recommended conditions as follows, with any additional conditions recommended through the resolution of the HRA compliance issue to be added to the list below:


1.    Time limit;

2.    Plans;

3.    Materials to be agreed (RD3 and GR1);

4.    Submission of existing and proposed site levels (GR1);

5.    Tree protection measures (HE5);

6.    Submission of bird box scheme (CS(R)20 and HE1);

7.    Protection of mammals during construction (CS(R)20 and HE1);

8.    Electric vehicle charging points scheme (C2);

9.    Ground contamination (CS23 and HE8);

10. Visibility splays (C1 and C2);

11. Submission of a cycle parking scheme (C2);

12. Verification of the sustainable Urban Drainage scheme (CS23 and HE9);

13. Waste Management Plan (WM8);

14. Sewage disposal (HE9);

15. Construction management plan (C1);

16. Limited construction hours (GR2);

17. Detail hard standing agreed (C2 and HE9);

18. Access constructed prior to occupation (C1);

19. Landscaping (GR1, GR3 and HE5); and

20. Acoustic mitigation (GR2).


Supporting documents: