Agenda item



The Board received a report of the Strategic Director – Health and Community which outlined the final report from the Multi-Agency Problem Solving (MAPS) Topic Group. The comprehensive report outlined the following:


  • summary of recommendations;
  • Community Safety MAPS team indicative organisation chart;
  • background, the MAPS concept - an outline;
  • perceived benefits of community safety MAPS teams;
  • a MAPS team model for Halton role and scope and proposals for discussion;
  • referral criteria for the individual cases to MAPS;
  • research into MAPS type teams in other areas;
  • notes from the visit to West Lancashire MAPS team 23rd October 2006;
  • financial considerations; and
  • MAPS team proposals - location property considerations.


Members were introduced to Mr. Michael Andrews the new Community Safety Co-ordinator who started in post on Monday 14th January 2008, in addition to Superintendant Bertenshaw (Co-Chair of the Safer Halton Partnership) and Chief Inspector Bailey. The Members were advised that there was very little mainstream funding at the present time and Neighbourhood Renewal Fund which was now called Working Neighbourhood Fund had taken a 12% cut.


Members held a wide-ranging discussion in relation to the public’s perception of the issues of crime. The Council’s Chief Executive thanked the Chairman and Members of the Anti-Social Behaviour Topic Team for their work involved and the production of the report.


It was noted that the report provided an important message that needed to be taken seriously. Members were advised that statistics proved there was a reduction in crime by 17.5% in the Borough, however, the public’s fear of crime was still considerably high. Members were advised that the current Community Safety Team deserved credit for the achievements gained over the past several years.


Arising from the discussion it was agreed that a decision needed to be taken by the Partnership and perhaps a focus on data analysis was to be investigated. The Community Safety Team at present was commended on their work and the many successes resulting from this such as the Prolific or Priority Offender (POPO) Team, Ashley House and The Parenting Practitioner.


Members were advised that a bid had been submitted for the Family Intervention Project.  It was reported that this bid had been granted and would bring in an amount of over £500k over the next 3 years.  The funding would enhance parenting activities. The Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy and the Protection and Punishment and Deferments were also important projects covered under the Community Safety umbrella.


Members were advised of the guidance for Community Safety Teams  that had to complete a Strategic Needs Assessment. 


Members felt that Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) should play more of an active role as it was a multi-agency arrangement. The Board queried whether resources in our public buildings for example, HDLs could be used to spread the message to members of the public that crime levels were coming down in the Borough. In response, it was noted that this would be investigated.


The Board agreed that a cost benefit analysis of the Multi-Agendcy Problem Solving (MAPS) scheme would be beneficial, therefore a recommendation would be added to this report. It was also agreed that a seminar be set up for Members in order to digest all the ideas proposed and address any issues raised in response from the Topic Groups.


The Chairman of the Board wished to thank the agencies and all Councillors and Officers involved in the Community Safety MAPS agenda.




(1)    Members of the PPB comment on the content of the Topic Group’s final report;


(2)    Members of the PPB comment on the response from the Chairs of the Safer Halton Partnership;


(3)    a cost benefit analysis of the Multi-Agency Problem Solving Team be carried out; and


(4)    a report be brought back to the June 2008 Policy and Performance Board to summarise the proposed ideas.

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