Agenda item

Local Area Agreement Delivery Plan


The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director – Corporate and Policy proposing the updating of the Action Plans for each of the five strategic priorities in order to deliver Halton’s Local Area Agreement, and the approval of the funding allocations contained within them. A slightly revised report was tabled for information including a modified Appendix to reflect the ongoing negotiations around the funding streams, with funding for the Vikings in the Community included under the Children and Young People heading.


It was noted that Halton had in place an established mechanism for managing its neighbourhood renewal programme. Since 2002, the Halton Strategic Partnership Board had ensured that there was a Specialist Strategic Partnership (SSP) for each of the five priorities. These Partnerships were commissioned to produce the original strategies and Action Plans and had produced updated Action Plans setting out their activities and investment proposals for 2008/09. They set out a programme of activity to deliver the thematic elements of the Community Strategy and, in particular, to address the key measurable outcomes set out within it.


The Action Plans utilised Working Neighbourhoods Fund (WNF) and, in the case of the Safer Halton Partnership, Safer and Stronger Communities Fund (SSCF) as well. In addition, the Council had committed a substantial amount of resources through the Priorities Fund (PF). The Council monies were aimed at supporting Neighbourhood Renewal activity by match-funding initiatives within the Action Plans. The Action Plans were appended to the report and had been considered and endorsed by the Halton Strategic Partnership Board.


It was advised that a number of existing funding streams had been pooled by Government in the form of area based grant to help fund the Local Area Agreement, which was the operational plan for the Community Strategy. This was largely made up of a number of existing specialist and dedicated grants for a range of Council services. Although the new grant rules allowed the Authority to spend this grant on any activity, it was suggested for 2008/09 they be passported through to services as before and accounted for under current procedures. This was necessary because allocations were only announced by Government in December and there was too little time to undertake a systematic review of activity without damaging momentum. A full review would be undertaken over the following six months to inform decisions for 2009/10 onwards.


The full make up of area based grant was attached at Appendix 2 of the report and further information was provided within the report regarding funding, providing a summary of the implications. It was noted that, by reducing allocations by 20% for 2008/09 for each SSP, a new central commissioning pot had been created. In this respect, the Board was advised that a further line needed to be added to the Appendix under “Employment, Learning and Skills” to read “Commissioning New Projects - £232,106” included in the WNF column.


Draft criteria and a management process for this strategic commissioning were being developed. The intention was that the commissioning pot would have a focus on the priorities of the new LAA and, in particular, narrowing the gap on these and other measures of deprivation in the neighbourhood management areas.


The SSPs would be responsible for regular and careful monitoring of expenditure and progress would be reported to the Halton Strategic Partnership Board. The position would be reviewed in October 2008 and any necessary adjustments made then.


            The Board considered a number of issues including the impact of domestic violence on the area, and the potential for the Halton Strategic Partnership Board to agree to roll forward any unspent monies.




(1)       the five Action plans accompanying the report be approved;


(2)       the allocation of the Working Neighbourhood Fund and Safer and Stronger Communities Fund, referred to in the report and contained in the Action Plans endorsed by the Halton Strategic Partnership Board, be approved;


(3)       the continued allocation of the remaining elements of the Area-Based Grant to fund individual services be approved as set out in Appendix 2 to the report;


(4)       the allocation of the Council’s Priority Funds referred to in the report, including that contained in the Action Plans, be approved; and


(5)            delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, to approve amendments to the Action Plans as necessary.

Supporting documents: