Agenda item



The Board received a presentation from the Community Safety Manager which updated the Members of the progress made with the ongoing review of the Community Safety Team and its existing structures. In this respect, the presentation:-


·        Outlined the priorities;


·        Set out the new developments and what had been achieved during the last month in respect of the Family Intervention Project (Compass) which had been established from some Home Office funding;


·        Explained the new developments in respect of the Witness Support Officer, the Marketing Officer and the new Licensing Officer which was currently being advertised.  It was also explained that that the Witness Support service was free and had been funded by the Council;


·        Set out the activities in respect of meetings and performance;


·        Highlighted that there were currently working with 35 different agencies on a daily basis;


·        Explained the Youth Crime, Youth Alcohol, Youth Task Force Action Plans, the Engaging Communities in Fighting Crime (32 proposals), the Policing Green Paper and the Local Area Agreements;


·        Set out the various funding that was allocated within the Action Plans and how the funding was utilised;


·        Outlined the progress that had been made within the service.


The Chief Executive took the opportunity to thank the Community Safety Manager for his work in developing and building the team.  He indicated that the team had been supported by multi agencies and during the last 12 months there had been significant improvements in respect of community safety.  Burglaries and theft from motor vehicles had been reduced significantly.  Violent crime, however, continued to be a challenge, but anti social behaviour had also been significantly reduced.  A number of Members had indicated that there had been improvements in their wards and this was a credit to the Community Safety Team and the agencies who undertook to reduce the crime in the Borough. He added that crime and disorder was also being monitored through the Safer Halton Partnership.


   In this respect, the Chief Executive suggested that the minutes of the last meeting of the Safer Halton Partnership be presented to the Board meetings. This would enable a greater sharing of information and give the Board the opportunity to give feedback to the Local Strategic Partnership. He added that if Members had any issues on crime and disorder they could speak to Inspector Hill at Runcorn or Inspector Nadia Brew at Widnes.  However, it was reported that they would be leaving soon, but assurance had been given that the new Officers would get up to speed very quickly.

Arising from the discussion reference was made to a number of issues including:

·        It was noted that Victim Support was one of the agencies outlined in the presentation;


·        It was requested that information in relation to the allocation/spend of past and present core budgets be circulated to all Members of the Board.  In this respect, it was reported that the minutes from the Safer Halton Partnership which would enable Members to have a greater awareness and understanding of investments and where they had been allocated could be added to the Boards agenda.  It was also noted that there was no mainstream budget for Community Safety;  


·        The number of schemes such as alleygating and the purchase of dog fouling bins being provided by Area Forum Funding rather than from corporate budgets was noted.  It was also noted that there were no alleygating schemes in the Halton Lea area;


·        The reduction in crime and disorder in the Borough during the last twelve months was noted;


·        The importance of gathering and sharing community intelligence in the respective wards with the Community Safety Team and the Police was noted;


·        It was acknowledged that addressing anti-social behaviour was not the sole responsibility of the Community Safety Team;


·        It was noted that there were three strands to addressing crime and disorder, prevent and deter, punish and detect and re-habilitate.  It was also noted that the Authority had invested a significant amount of time and effort into the prevent and deter strand within the Borough;


·        Members requested that a report be presented to a future meeting detailing the 35 agencies and discussing the concept of co-location;


·        Clarity was sought on the funding in relation to the Blue Lamp.  Officers undertook to write to the Member concerned;


·        The importance of continuity in respect of the service in the community from the Police and the work that was taking place to ensure it continued was noted; and


·        The Board requested that the LGA document ‘Answering To You’ Policing in the 21st Century be circulated to all Members.




(1)   the presentation be received;


(2)   Mike Andrews be thanked for his informative presentation;


(3)   a report be presented to a future meeting detailing the 35 agencies and discussing the concept of co-location; and


(4)   the Board receive the minutes of the Safer Halton Partnership on the agenda of future meetings.

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