Agenda item

Review of Strategic Regional Sites: Consultation


            The Board received a report of the Strategic Director, Environment which sought authority to formally respond to the North West Development Agency (NWDA) consultation on the review of Strategic Regional Sites.


            Members were advised that in 2005, the NWDA designated 25 sites within the North West as Strategic Regional Sites. The sites were identified on the basis of a number of points, as set out in the report.


            Members were further advised that designation was important in terms of site profile, development and ability to access resources to bring them to fruition. Indeed, the consultation letter specifically stated that such sites would have priority, where necessary, for implementation in terms of all Agency resources and in Agency support for bids for other sources. Within Halton, two sites were identified – Ditton Widnes and Daresbury. With reference to Ditton, since the original designation this location was now known as 3MG and it would be recommended to the Agency that this was used in future.


            It was noted that the NWDA was now reviewing the list of sites and the closing date for comments was the 27th March 2009.


            The purpose of the review was to ensure sites fitted the criteria as outlined in the Regional Spatial Strategy reflected the changing nature of policy and the market context including the Stern (Review on the Economics of Climate Change) and Eddington (Transport) reports.


            Members were advised that of the 25 previous sites, 7 were proposed for deletion and 15 were proposed for addition. Both Halton sites remained on the list. The sites themselves were identified in broad terms on plans with the exact boundaries to be decided at a later date. Each site had been identified with primary purpose and these were set out in the report.


            Members were asked to note that of particular importance was that the new designation for Daresbury had expanded the site to take in both Daresbury Park and the Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus (DSIC) which reflected the ongoing master plan work that the Council was involved with in partnership with the DSIC.


            Members were advised that the list of proposed sites made for interesting consideration. They were not all big traditional inward investor sites and included town/city centre and older industrial areas. As such, it was considered appropriate that this Council should seek through its consultation response to have an additional site designated. Looking at the substantial regeneration opportunities that existed within the Widnes Waterfront and the town centres of Widnes and Runcorn and the development opportunities arising from the Mersey Gateway as detailed in the Mersey Gateway Regeneration Strategy, there was clear scope to bring all these together under one designation. Such an area had significant employment opportunities, was close to areas of need, was sustainably accessible and would contribute to the ongoing economic restructuring of this part of the region through assisting in a continued diversification of the local economy. Together, these provided a scale of regeneration opportunities comparable to many defined Strategic Regional Sites.


            RESOLVED: That


(1)       the designation of both 3MG (Ditton) and Daresbury be supported;


(2)       the NWDA be requested to designate an additional site incorporating Widnes Waterfront, Widnes and Runcorn town centres and the area detailed in the Mersey Gateway Regeneration Strategy; and


(3)       the Executive Board authorise the Strategic Director, Environment in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal to formally respond to the North West Development Agency consultation on the Review of Strategic Regional Sites.

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