Issue - decisions

Community Meals: Direct Award of Contract to Apetito

19/04/2022 - Community Meals: Direct Award of Contract to Apetito

The Board considered a waiver request of Part 3 Procurement Standing Orders by virtue of Procurement Standing Order 1.14.4 (v), to grant a direct award to ‘Apetito’ for the supply of pre-prepared meals for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.


            The Community Meals Service was provided to eligible adults within Halton who were unable to shop or prepare a meal for themselves due to age, illness or disability.  Following an internal audit of the Service a number of recommendations were made, one of them being to award an interim contract with the existing supplier, so consideration could be given to alternative community meals service delivery options, supply of the meals and charging levels.


RESOLVED:  That the Board approves the waiver of Part 3 of Procurement Standing Orders by virtue of Procurement Standing Order 1.14.4 (v), for the direct award of a contract to ‘Apetito’, for a period of 12 months.