22/00423/OUTEIA - Proposed hybrid planning application comprising: full planning permission for the construction of the primary access points, primary internal link road and site enabling works, including site levelling and outline planning permissio
- 15/01/2024 - Agenda item, Development Management Committee 22/00423/OUTEIA - Proposed hybrid planning application comprising: full planning permission for the construction of the primary access points, primary internal link road and site enabling works, including site levelling and outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except for access, for the construction of up to 500 residential dwellings (use class C3), later living units (C2), a new primary school, a local centre (use class E) and associated infrastructure and open space, on land off Hale Gate Road, Widnes 15/01/2024
- 06/02/2024 - Published decision: 22/00423/OUTEIA - Proposed hybrid planning application comprising: full planning permission for the construction of the primary access points, primary internal link road and site enabling works, including site levelling and outline planning permissio