Issue details

Consultation on Options for the future delivery of day services for people with physical and sensory disabilities and older people who require additional support

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Effects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: Not before 1st June, 2009 by Executive Board

Department: Adult and Community

Contact: Audrey Williamson, Operational Director Adults of Working Age Email:

Consultation process

Details of principle groups to be consulted before decision is taken, people currently accessing day services and their carers, people who may wish to access services in the future, Members, staff currently providing services.


Consultation will take place using a variety of methods, including individual meetings, focus groups and small group meetings. Questionnaire’s will also be used. The options will also be presented to Healthy Halton Policy and Performance Board.


Any person who wishes to make representations to Audrey Williamson, Operational Director, Adults of Working Age, Health and Community Directorate, Runcorn Town Hall, Heath Road, Runcorn, WA7 5TD in writing by 31st May 2009.

Agenda items