Issue details

Outcome of the Section 77 Consultation - Change of Use of Fairfield High School Playing Field

Consideration of the outcome of the Section 77 consultation on the proposal to change the use of Fairfield High School Playing Field; Agreement to submit the Section 77 Application form.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/08/2013

Decision due: 5 September 2013 by Executive Board

Contact: Gerald Meehan, Strategic Director People and Economy Email:

Consultation process

The following people received a letter and copy of the notice:

·       Staff, Governors and Parents at Wade Deacon High School

·       Headteacher and Governing Bodies of Fairfield Infant and Junior Schools

·       Authorised users of the field

·       Houses in close vicinity of the playing field


The notice was displayed in the following public places

·       School gates

·       Children’s Centres

·       Community Centres

·       Health centres and pharmacy next to site

·       Libraries

·       Direct Link


The notice was also placed in the local newspaper and on the HBC website.


Any person wishing to make representations should do so in writing to Gerald Meehan, Strategic Director, Children and Enterprise, Municipal Building, Kingsway, Widnes by 16 August 2013


  • Executive Board reports: Fairfield Infant and Fairfield Junior Schools - 28 March 2013; Peelhouse Lane Site - 28 March 2013