Issue details

Approval of the indicative timetable for the preparation of the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for the Widnes Waterfront Economic Development Zone (EDZ).

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Effects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Decision due: 8 February 2007 by Executive Board

Department: Environment and Economy

Contact: Angela Gore, Group Manager Valuation Email:

Consultation process

Internally – number of Departments and Local Councillors; externally – owners and occupiers of land included in the CPO, owners and occupiers of land adjacent to land included in the CPO, general public consultation. Internally, done through the EDZ Steering Group meetings. Councillors, through regular progress meetings. Relevant owners and occupiers of land will be written to directly. Adverts will be placed in the local press to notify the public.


  • New Widnes Waterfront Vision Document, Widnes Waterfront SPD, Widnes Waterfront Masterplan and Delivery Strategy and Widnes Waterfront Design Guide - from Andy Denton, Municipal Building. Executive Board 21/4/04 agenda item 4b - Committee Services.