Forward plan

June 2010 to September 2010  (01/05/2010 to 31/08/2010)

Plan items
No. Item

Planning, Transportation, Regeneration and Renewal Portfolio


For the Council to enter into an Easement Agreement with Network Rail for the delivery of the 3MG Rail connection.

Decision maker:  3MG Executive Sub Board

Decision:   Not before 30th June, 2011

Originally due:   8 June 2009

Lead officer:  Sally McDonald

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


For the Council to enter into a Development Agreement with the preferred developer for the development of HBC Field

Decision maker:  3MG Executive Sub Board

Decision:   30 June 2011

Originally due:   18 July 2009

Lead officer:  Sally McDonald

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Approval of publication of Draft Design of New Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document for public consultation

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   17 November 2011

Originally due:   1 July 2007

Lead officer:  Tim Gibbs


Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part IIA - Contaminated Land - to consider the first four year review of the strategy for inspection of contaminated land published in 2001.

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   Not before 1st April, 2012

Lead officer:  Tim Gibbs


Adoption of Draft Town Centre Strategy Supplementary Planning Documents for Halton Lea and Runcorn Old Town

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   Not before 1st December, 2011

Originally due:   1 August 2008

Lead officer:  Tim Gibbs


Approval of publication of Draft Southern Widnes Regeneration Action Area Supplementary Planning Document for public consultation

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   Not before 1st September, 2011

Originally due:   12 July 2009

Lead officer:  Tim Gibbs


Adoption of an Environmental and Regulatory Services Enforcement Policy

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   Not before 1st July, 2010

Originally due:   13 December 2009

Lead officer:  Strategic Director - Environment and Economy

Decision status:  Abandoned

Health and Social Care Portfolio


To approve the Joint Commissioning Strategy for Carers Service 2009-2012

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   Not before 1st September, 2010

Originally due:   7 August 2009

Lead officer:  Audrey Williamson


To approve the Telecare Strategy 2010-2015 New!

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision:   1 July 2010

Originally due:   10 June 2010

Lead officer:  Sue Wallace-Bonner

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Children and Young People Portfolio


To give permission to The Bankfield School to apply for Presumption and the development of a Post 16 Centre

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   Not before 1st July, 2013

Originally due:   6 September 2012

Lead officer:  Ann McIntyre

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/10/2012


Redesign of Residential Services New!

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision:   9 September 2010

Originally due:   5 June 2010

Lead officer:  Executive Director Children's Services

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Halton High/Academy Transfer New!

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision:   17 June 2010

Originally due:   5 June 2010

Lead officer:  Executive Director Children's Services

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Approval of the Building Schools for the Future Full Business Case New!

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   10 February 2011

Originally due:   13 May 2010

Lead officer:  Executive Director Children's Services

Community Portfolio


To integrate Substance Misuse Services with St Helens MBC New!

Decision maker:  Executive Board

Decision due:   Between 1 July 2010 and 30 September 2010

Originally due:   27 May 2010

Lead officer:  Strategic Director - Communities

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)