Agenda and minutes

Development Management Committee - Monday, 2nd July, 2018 6.30 p.m.

Venue: Civic Suite, Town Hall, Runcorn. View directions

Contact: Ann Jones on 0151 511 8276 Ext. 16 8276 or Email: 

No. Item


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 148 KB


          The Minutes of the meeting held on 9 April 2018, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as a correct record.



Additional documents:


The Committee considered the following applications for planning permission and in accordance with its powers and duties, made the decisions described below.



- 17/00389/FUL - Proposed demolition of the existing outbuildings and construction of residential development comprising 12 no. one bedroom apartments and 12 no. two bedroom apartments with associated parking and reconfigured parking provision for Appleton Village Pharmacy on Land to the rear of Appleton Village Pharmacy, Appleton Village, Widnes


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Since the publication of the agenda Members were advised of the following updates:


·       As per paragraph 6.9, if the recommendation was agreed, a condition securing affordable housing would be attached; and

·       An upfront payment in lieu of on-site open space provision had now been made, so the recommendation on the application was to grant planning permission subject to conditions.


The Committee agreed that the application be approved subject to the conditions listed below.


RESOLVED:  That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.     Time limit – full permission;

2.     Approved plans;

3.     Existing and proposed site levels (BE1);

4.     External facing materials (BE1 and BE2);

5.     Soft landscaping scheme (BE1);

6.     Boundary Treatments scheme (BE1);

7.     Breeding birds protection (GE21);

8.     Reasonable avoidance measures and mitigation – bats (GE21);

9.     Protection of reptiles (GE21);

10. Japanese knotweed method statement;

11. Japanese knotweed validation report;

12. Hours of construction (BE1);

13. Construction management plan (Highways) (BE1);

14. Electric vehicle charging points scheme (CS19);

15. Provision and retention of parking for residential development (BE1);

16. Provision and retention of 10 no. car parking spaces for Appleton Village Pharmacy (BE1);

17. Off-site highway works (BE1);

18. Implementation of noise mitigation measures (PR2);

19. Affordable housing scheme (PR14);

20. Ground contamination (PR14);

21. Drainage strategy (PR16);

22. Foul and surface water on a separate system (PR16); and

23. Waste audit.


- 18/00174/FUL - Proposed residential development comprising 24 no. dwellings with full details for access, landscaping, scale, layout and appearance at Former Riverside College, Percival Lane, Runcorn and 18/00176/REM - Reserved matters application relating to outline application 16/00131/OUT for details relating to appearance, scale, landscaping and layout on Former Riverside College, Percival Lane, Runcorn


The consultation procedure undertaken was outlined in the report together with background information in respect of the site.


Members were advised that since the publication of the Committee agenda one further objection had been received questioning the suitability of the access from Old Coach Road and the additional traffic causing noise pollution.  These matters were both addressed in the Transport Assessment and as detailed in the report. 


Further it was reported that discussions had been ongoing with the developer and a number of the substantive issues were considered to have been addressed, as outlined in the Officer’s presentation and accompanying amended plan of the scheme which was presented to Members.   It was noted that a number of key issues still had to be addressed such as drainage details, minor highway amendments, queries relating to invasive species and biodiversity features; Officers were working with the developer to resolve these.   The Council’s retained adviser had confirmed that further information was required on measures to mitigate construction impacts on the Mersey which should enable the holding objection from Natural England to be overcome.  In addition a consultation undertaken on the amended plans did not expire until 6 July 2018.


Following the Officer’s presentation one Member requested that the heritage value of the site be recognised by the developer as it interfaced with the locks and Bridgewater House, both of which have historical significance in Runcorn.   Suggestions such as a plaque, sculpture and street naming were made, which he felt would complement the scheme and go towards keeping the heritage of the area alive.  Officers would speak to the applicant regarding this.


After taking into consideration the report, updates and comments made, the Committee agreed that authority be delegated to determine the applications subject to the conditions below.




That authority be delegated to the Operational Director – Policy, Planning and Transportation, in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair, to determine the applications subject to any consultation responses, resolution of the outstanding issues and subject to the following conditions which may be amended as required:


a)    The entering into a Legal Agreement or other agreement for the maintenance of specified land in accordance with the landscaping requirement of the permission and the transfer of that land to the Council upon written notice for the purposes associated with the reinstatement of the former Bridgewater Canal and that the College expend all of the net land receipts of the sale of the site to discharge debt in respect of improvements on land and property belonging to it.


b)    For application 18/00174/FUL, conditions relating to the following:


1.     Specifying approved plans (BE1);

2.     Requiring development be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction Environmental Management Plan, including measures for wheel cleansing facilities, construction vehicle access routes, construction parking and management plan, noise and dust minimisation measures (BE1 and GE21);

3.     Materials condition, requiring the development be carried out as approved (BE2);

4.     Landscaping condition, requiring submission and approval both hard and soft landscaping, including native  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.