
Decisions published

30/08/2024 - Improvement Coordinator ref: 752    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 04/09/2024

Effective from: 30/08/2024


This role will support Children’s Service improvement journey. Key to the role is coordination, analysis of the key improvement impacts as defined in the improvement plan. The performance indicators will be quickly analysed and delivered via agreed governance routes to offer assurance that our services to CYP are improving, the improvements will be driven at pace and curious questions and critical friend information provided on a regular basis. Information will be shared in the right way in the right forums to support our robust governance arrangements enabling senior managers to focus on areas not progressing at pace, this is a critical role required for ongoing improvements across the service.
DFE have advised this is the most crucial role in achieving success within timescales.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gill Ferguson

30/08/2024 - Job Family Approach to Pay ref: 751    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 04/09/2024

Effective from: 30/08/2024


Further to the recommendations arising from the Ofsted inspection of Children’s Services, it is proposed to move to a “Job Family” approach for qualified Children’s Social Worker roles. This will be based upon using market supplements to improve pay, which in turn supports the Children’s Services strategy to recruit and retain a stable workforce. Given the urgent need to implement Ofsted’s recommendations, work needs to commence on implementing this proposal prior to the September Executive Board meeting.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gill Ferguson

30/08/2024 - 2 x Resourcing Officers ref: 750    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 04/09/2024

Effective from: 30/08/2024


Due to the scale, depth and volume of change and improvement required alongside continued service operations, Resourcing Officers have been identified as required to enable strategic leaders to focus on the improvement and transformation tasks at pace and continue to drive a continuous improvement approach. They will

Facilitate the delivery of effective and efficient resourcing across social work teams.

Work with colleagues in the Efficiency, Resourcing and Recruitment service to carry out transactional activity associated with recruitment and resourcing.

Provide Children Services Management with the necessary information to make effective recruitment and resourcing decisions.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Gill Ferguson